1. Three Qualities Your Next Security Company Must Have

    When you’re looking for a security company that fits your needs, it can be hard sifting through so many options. Unfortunately, security companies are becoming a dime a dozen, and finding one that actually possesses the experience and resources to adequately fulfill your needs is getting harder and harder. So, the next time you find yourself weighing your options, keep an eye out for these three…Read More

  2. Building a Real Security Plan with a Real Security Company

    When designing a comprehensive plan to fulfill your security needs, there is no one size fits all approach. The variety of threats, dangers, and contingencies demands that when preparing your staff for the worst, there is no scenario left to chance. Unfortunately, most of us lack the training, the experience, and most importantly, the time to devise and workshop such a plan. That’s where we come…Read More

  3. Creative Ways JS Security Keeps Your Products From Walking Out the Door

    Large warehouses, big employee numbers, multiple vendors, and visitors all combined together can lead to your products walking out of the door. North American companies experience approximately $500,000 worth of product loss due to internal (employees) and external (mother nature) events.   Want to reduce that risk significantly? Here are 4 security lead protocols that work with your operations …Read More

  4. Extra Security During Summer Travel

    Don’t Get Burned This Summer: Secure Your Home No matter how long our Nashville winters last, summer is always a welcomed respite from the greyed and dreary cityscape. Our minds become abuzz with summer travel ideas and semi-thought out plans that take us far from our normal routines. Yet while scouring the Web for cheap flights and hotels is probably your most pressing concern, getting the righ…Read More

  5. When is the Right Time to Hire Security Services?

    Lead By Example If you’ve spent even the most modest amount of time running or assisting in business operations, then you’re surely quite familiar with the importance and immediacy of dates, deadlines, and details. Moreover, tending to pressing business matters not only gives you an edge over your competition, but instills a sense of a hard and smart work ethic that assuredly will be visible t…Read More

  6. Talking To Your Family About Security Services

    Important Conversations: Why Talking to your Family about Security Services is Essential When you choose to implement security services that affect your family’s day-to-day routines, it’s always a smart (and compassionate) decision to discuss with them the reasoning behind your desire for security services. Particularly, if you’re seeking security services in the Nashville area that involve …Read More

  7. Security Escort Services: Overlooked & Undervalued

    Fame, Family, Followers, & Feuds: Who Needs Escort Security Services? Celebrity status manifests itself in an array of shades and stripes. For some, celebrity status is a much-loved and seemingly deserved joy. Although for others, the public’s adoration (or just invasive curiosity) can be too much to bear. Moreover, your celebrity or high-profile status may be bringing unwanted attention to …Read More

  8. The Case for Consultation, Pt. I

    Why Security Services? There exists a host of factors over which to pore when planning for your, your family’s, and your business’ security and future. Which security services best fit your unique lifestyle and business? Which security services meet both your and your employees’ needs? Do these needs vary from shift to shift? Are these needs for your business or better suited for your home? …Read More

  9. Construction Site Security & Why It’s a Sound Investment

    Why Construction surveillance? Construction sites are a hotbed for collaboration and innovation, a place where months of planning show the first signs of fruition. And within the next steps of the process, your site is occupied from dawn until dusk with skilled professionals working diligently to meet strict deadlines and expectations. Neither you nor your employees need any setbacks to slow the j…Read More

  10. The Importance of Fire Watch Services

    Fire Watch: The Security Service that Cannot be Understated Fire Watch Services Provide Increased Security - And Peace of Mind There are myriad factors to consider when deciding which security services are right for you and your business or commercial building. When carefully weighing the benefits of each type of security service, considering the additional security (and peace of mind) fire watch …Read More